Your love may be priceless, but dates sure aren’t.

Even just a dinner at your favorite restaurant and a movie can set you back over $100 these days! And sometimes, no matter how fond you are of your significant other, that price tag can be hard to stomach week after week. But don’t worry, we have compiled a list of ways to spend one-on-one time together in a budget-friendly way.

Here are several inexpensive date ideas to try out, many of which are free!

  1. Browse your local bookstore. Don’t worry. You don’t have to buy anything. If you find books you both like, you can put them on hold for pickup at your local library.

  2. Go out for breakfast. No rule says you can’t go out for meals. Breakfast is arguably the cheapest meal of the day, as long as you stick to more affordable establishments. Instead of going to the newest brunch place, check out a local diner and support a mom-and-pop shop that’s probably been open for years.

  3. Watch the sunset or sunrise. It doesn’t get more romantic than this. You’ve got some options as well. You can stay at home and watch it from your roof, backyard, or front step. Or, go for an early morning or late-night hike, and catch the sun before anyone.
  4. Volunteer together. Not all your dates have to be about you. Use your time together to serve at a senior’s home, homeless shelter, or food bank. Not only will you be helping your community, but you’ll be surprised how helping others can bring the two of you together.
  5. Run errands together. But how can running errands together be romantic? Leave your kids at home with a sitter. You’d be surprised how much fun you can have strolling the grocery store aisles or home depot just the two of you.
  6. Grab a cup of coffee and go people-watching. There’s nothing better than coffee and conversation! Add some lovely scenery to the mix, and you’ve got a match made in heaven.
  7. Cook a special or fancy dinner together. Spending some quality time with your special someone while cooking dinner can be a great experience. Try a new recipe or find some ingredients you don’t usually buy. For a real treat, recreate the first meal you ever had together.
  8. Watch movies from your childhood. Enjoy some of your childhood favorites to share a piece of one another’s history—even in the golden age of television, nothing beats nostalgia! These days, everyone has a to-watch list full of shows, so consider branching outside of your Netflix queue to mix it up a bit.
  9. Play a video game together—loser gets to do the other’s chores for a week! Steal your kids’ gaming system to stretch your mental muscles in a new way and prepare yourself for a bit of competition to keep things young.
  10.  Look for a spectacular view. You don’t have to go to Italy for a fabulous photo op. Whether it’s going to a roof deck for drinks or to the tallest point of your city/town, going out of your way to see things from a new perspective can be a much-needed escape.

Let Briteside Solutions Teach You How to Budget for Your Date Nights

You don’t need to spend a lot of money to have a memorable date. Take a hint from the Beatles’ song “Can’t Buy Me Love” and learn how to fall in love without all the flash.

Contact Briteside Solutions today to learn how to save money, budget better, and make your budget goals come true.